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Animal Rescue & Sanctuary

We care for a wide variety of species, offering rehoming & sanctuary for owner surrendered animals as well. 

Your donations help us continue to make a difference in the lives of animals & the people who care for them! 


Donation Items Needed


puppy pads

cages/ crates

kongs/ antler bones


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Volunteer/ Foster Application

Family Info

To Volunteer at our facility you can skip questions that are no required. To become a foster home, all questions must be filled out.

Is everyone in the household excited about fostering a new pet?
Super Excited!
In agreement but not quite excited
It is a surprise!
Not really
Not happy about it, but they'll come around!
Do you or anyone in the household have any allergies?
Yes, but not to this type of animal

Adoption Animal Info

Volunteer/ Foster Home Contract

By submitting this form I agree to the following...

  1. All information provided is truthful & complete.

  2. I understand that submitting this application, or any other part of the application process, does NOT guarantee volunteer or foster placement.

  3. I understand that fostering does not guarantee adoption placement.

  4. I understand & agree that TGT Farm retains all ownership rights to any and all foster animals. They must be returned within 24 hours of first contact if requested.

  5. Any and all property transferred with a foster animal is also the legal property of TGT Farm.

  6. I understand that I am responsible for the food & daily care costs of animal foster animals in my care.

  7. I understand and agree that I accept all responsibility of liability in fostering an animal. I agree that I will not hold TGT Farm or its members financially or legally responsible for any actions or complications of animals in my care.

  8. I understand that it is unlikely to have a complete medical or behavioral history of any pets surrendered to TGT Farm.

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